Boy oh boy does time have a way of slipping by. Were still and doing just fine. We've had a sick baby in the house for the past few days, but he's feeling much better now, thank you Lord. I think it was mostly teething combined with a little bit of a cold. He had a fever for a couple days but today he has been much, much better! So now Im able to get a little bit done that I haven't been able to do with him being so cranky.
We've been back in school for a few weeks and its doing good. I'm loving the Charlotte Mason method. Its so great for our family. Were able to get so much subjects in a day, but it doesn't feel that way and it doesn't take all day either. Were just finding the "learning moments" in life outside of just curriculum. Right now the kids are watching "America-The Story of Us" about the great depression and WWII. We just studied the great depression the last couple weeks and were going to start on WWII this week. So they're really putting a picture in their mind and reinforcing what they learned.
Jeremiah is doing well also, he's learning more letter sounds and starting to do a little copywork. Were going slow but he's making progress and were enjoying it. The boys (Jonathan, Nathan and David) are going to play baseball this spring. So that will defineately make for busy saturdays for us, but they're so excited. So that'll be fun!
This friday Joseph turns one! I cannot believe I am typing those words. Its been hard for me dealing with him turning one. I usually dont get sad about my kids turing one, but maybe I'm getting sensitive with my age or something, but I think this year went way too fast and I dont like it one bit!!! He is my sweet baby though. A cuddler still and starting to say words. He says "bye-bye" and waves, he says, "no-no-no" and "ni-night and he'll lay his head down. He's such a blessing to us , as all of our kids are! Anyway, that was a brief update and I"ll be back with pics of Joseph's birthday party this saturday! Also, I have a picture appt for him this friday. So I'll be updating with pics soon!
Love and Blessings,