A peek into our family, hopefully a picture of God's grace, as we try to live everyday for His glory. Please leave a comment so I know you've visited, I pray you and your is blessed as much as me and mine have been! Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?

Well back when I was in college I was taking law classes to become a paralegal. If I were to go back now, I would probably take history classes. It interests me so much now as I'm getting older and I cant get enough of it. I would defineately also take some college level bible classes as well! Hmmmmm.....you never know maybe I'll just do that some day!

2. What do you love most about your home?

I love the people inside it! As corny as that sounds its true. I love all my decor stuff and crafty stuff but without everyone in it it just wouldn't matter.
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?

I LOVE to read! I dont get to do as much aside from the bible as I'd like but when I do I love christian fiction, history and biographies!

4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?

Hmmmm....this ones hard because I'm extremely picky so I dont go out of my comfort zone that often. But I'd have to say fish of somekind that hubby had me try. I finally, after much pursuading tried it and with my luck it had a bone in it! YUCK!!!

5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?

Oh this one's easy, I'd be Caroline Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. I wish always I could have her patient and quiet spirit!

Blessings all!


1 comment:

Simple Home said...

I enjoyed reading about you Heather. I loved Caroline Ingalls too. It's funny, but I think of her as a book character even though the show was on when I was growing up.

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