Hey all! Happy, happy Friday! The weekend is almost here and this marks the last official weekend of summer vacation for my kiddos. They're off to school on Monday! Yesterday, David and I went to his kindergarten orientation. It was good for him to see his teacher, his classroom and the playground where they'll eat snack and have recess. It was bittersweet for me though. It does not get easier no matter how many kids you have. This being my 4th one going to school and it's as hard as the first. The budget crisis California is experiencing DOES NOT help either.
He will be in a class of 41 students. That sickens me. I can only pray he's not lost in the bunch. And I keep reminding myself, that I am his primary teacher. Chris and I are his primary foundation and will make every effort to see that he learns and keeps up on his work. But nevertheless I'm praying for peaceful transition for him on Monday. He's in the PM kinder too which helps. So he'll start at 10:11 and get out at 1:47 with the other kids.
We go to the school this afternoon (after 5 pm) to see the class lists for Jonathan, Nathan and Hannah. I hope they got the teacher they wanted, but with the cuts the schools are being forced to cope with, who knows. So prayer for that will be greatly appreciated.
Yesterday afternoon Hannah had her last dental appt! Yay! She's finally done! Grammie (my mom) also came and visited yesterday for awhile and picked up Nathan to spend a couple days with her and Papa. I'm so grateful for the one on one time they get. Especially being kids from big families, its a wonderful time for them to be the sole center of attention. So I"m so happy for them to have those times.
The visit with my mom was so nice too. She, Chris and I got to fellowship and talk about America and Israel! We need to be praying for Israel guys! We need to be in deep prayer for our country as well. And no matter what choices our legislation makes we, as Christian believers, need to be constantly in prayer for Israel, the apple of God's eye, and support them always!
Rom 10:1 -My hearts’ desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.
1 Sam 12:22 -Far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you (Israel).
*parenthesis added my me
Anyhow, after Hannah's appt, we went and got a dresser for Josephs room. It looks like an official nursery now. And I"m so excited to get some of his stuff put away in there! I'll definitely post a pic of the finished product when I'm done!
I'm also trying something new. In the left column of my blog have a little text that says "what I'm thankful for". I'm to do my very best best to update that daily. I think it'll help my perspective to stay positive and give God the thanks He deserves for the many blessings I have!
Please comment anything your thankful for and I'll add those daily as well! The Lord is so good to us!
Love and Blessings,
Delicious Cheesy Potato Chowder Recipe
2 days ago
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