I was reading my online devotion this morning and it was about our spiritual temperature. The verse was from Rev. 3:15, 16. How God was so appalled by the Laodician church because they had become lukewarm, ineffective. God would rather us be hot or cold instead of lukewarm, so much so that He said, "I am about to spit you out of mouth". Reading this made me think how one of my biggest fears is disappointing God. Thankfully there was a very interesting "spiritual temperature" quiz at the end the devotion and I've shared it with you all:
Spiritual Temperature Test
1. I would describe my current relationship with God as:
a. Extremely close
b. fairly intimate
c. mediocre
d. distant
2. My attitude and actions toward reading the Bible each day are:
a. eager and consistent
b. interested and mostly regular
c. complacent and hit-or-miss
d. Bible? Can’t remember where I last put my Bible.
3. When I think of talking to others about God I:
a. get excited
b. think it is interesting– sometimes
c. am reluctant
d. would rather have a root canal!!!
4. As far as scripture memory goes, I:
a. have entire chapters and chunks memorized
b. have several verses I have worked on lately
c. can recall a few portions of scripture, but don’t know the references
d. Can recite John 3:16 in the King James Version. Does that count?
5. When I think of having a personal retreat all alone with God, I’d like to do that:
a. a couple times a year, I LOVE it!
b. maybe once a year, for refreshment
c. I think I did that once and was bored
d. What? Are you kidding? No Internet or other people? Count me out!
6. I would honestly describe my prayer life as:
a. as close to “praying without ceasing” as I can get
b. I pray everyday at least once
c. I remember to pray a few times a week
d. I pray faithfully–in situations of stress or danger. Other than that, God knows where to find me.
7. When I ponder my spiritual life overall, I would say I am:
a. content with my progress and usually growing
b. somewhat satisfied but long to be closer to God
c. complacent with occasional spurts of growth
d. my spiritual life is a source of disappointment to me
Now, if you answered mostly “a”: You are totally sizzling; mostly “b”: Your spiritual fire is stoked and steady; mostly “c”: your fire has died down somewhat, but the embers are still glowing; mostly “d”: YIKES!!!! You are dangling dangerously near the dreaded LUKEWARM!! Time to take action!
If you'd like to check it out for yourselves click here
http://karenehman.com/home/ I was pretty satisfied with my results but encouraged to do more! Hope you find it as useful as I did!
Love and Blessings,