The last day of the year. I heard a pastor teaching on New Year's Eve on the radio saying, this is the last day of the year. Tomorrow starts a year that has never been done on earth ever. Completely uncharted territory. A time to start fresh and try to stick to those resolutions that seem to fade away by the end of January....for me it seems to happen every year. Yet I say with a smile that I stand in awe and praise of God as I did on January 1st of this year! However I do call myself to new resolutions for this new year. To make my walk with Jesus more of a top priority. To consider the value of growing more like Him and to take His word more seriously. To talk to Him more often and spend in silence listening to Him, to set a more Christ-like example for my kids and a better friend to my friends and family. Such high hope I have but thankfully not on my own to accomplish them!
As I look back on 2009 I have to say this has been probably the most "roller coaster" like year I've lived. A year full of turns and valleys, straight paths and peaks and definate surprises. I think of last year at this time, never would I have imagined what this year would contain. Such a nugget of faith that this. Nothing is impossible with God! Examples? Sure....
Chris' job loss- New job in January of 09, even better job in Dec of '09.
My neice Emily's battle with kidney cancer- Home and doing great now and chemo and surgeries!
Renting a house we couldn't afford- Purchased a home of our own paying almost half
Mother of 5 healthy kids- Now the mama of the "half dozen blessings"!
My neice Katie coming close to death- Completely healed and a happy healthy 6 month old!
Just a few examples of what our God does! When a door closes He opens a better one, He gives and takes away and usually gives something even better. My resolution, I think would be to look back at what God has done and continues to do and leave it at that. He is faithful, always! What better target to keep my eyes focused on than the God who can do all that, in one year! There are millions of other things He does for me everyday and I am so thankful to have Him!
A verse I think is appropriate as we embark on a new year with unforseen events and surprises would be this...
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
Blessings in 2010!
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